Download New Liberty University PSYC 341 Exam-Quiz 4 

Download New Liberty University PSYC 341 Exam-Quiz 4

Set 1

  1. For Fromm, the drive for union with another person or other persons reflects the human need of
  2. According to Fromm, which of the following statements is true about psychologically disturbed people?
  3. For Fromm, positive freedom consists of
  4. From J. J. Bachofen, Fromm borrowed the idea that
  5. According to Fromm, which of the following statements is true about people who use conformity as a mechanism of escape?
  6. Fromm called the need to feel at home again in the world
  7. In the context of the primary mechanisms of escape, identify a true statement about masochism.
  8. In the context of the human need for relatedness, identify a true statement about people in symbiotic relationships.
  9. Fromm’s hoarding character is similar to Freud’s _____ character.
  10. According to Fromm, Hitler’s neurotic need to annihilate his enemies demonstrated
  11. In the context of nonproductive orientations, identify a true statement about receptive characters.
  12. Fromm believed that the lack of satisfaction with existential needs
  13. Fromm suggested that Hitler’s obsession with the “superiority” of the German people reflected
  14. In the context of nonproductive orientations, which of the following statements is true about hoarding characters?
  15. Fromm believed that the therapist should try to understand the patient by using
  16. According to Fromm, both masochism and sadism aim at
  17. Fromm called the healthy individual’s passionate love of life and all living things
  18. Fromm regarded his parents as
  19. Fromm believed that killing members of one’s species for reasons other than survival is peculiar to humans. He called such killings
  20. Fromm believed that humans, as the only animal to possess self-awareness, imagination, and reason, are the
  21. Fromm believed that healthy people’s survival is dependent on
  22. Fromm believed that authoritarianism takes two forms
  23. According to Fromm, which of the following terms is defined as the need for humans to rise above their passive animal existence through either creating or destroying life?
  24. According to Erich Fromm, _____ play many roles and are guided by the motto “I am as you desire me.”
  25. Fromm’s syndrome of decay consists of all the following except
  26. According to Maslow, people who do not embrace the B values suffer from
  27. As a student at Wisconsin, Maslow worked closely with
  28. According to Maslow, neurotic needs
  29. According to Maslow, most people who seek therapy probably have the most trouble satisfying their _____ needs.
  30. According to Maslow, an individual’s inability to satisfy safety needs results in
  31. Which of the following is a characteristic of self-actualizing people?
  32. Martyrs who sacrifice physical needs and personal safety for their beliefs and heroes who risk their lives to save others illustrate Maslow’s notion of
  33. Maslow included the need for self-respect, confidence, competence, and the respect of others under
  34. During Abraham H. Maslow’s study of self-actualizes, he made the unexpected discovery that many of his people had had _____ that was mystical in nature and that somehow gave them a feeling of transcendence.
  35. Maslow believed that people often experience disorientation in time and space, a loss of self-consciousness, an unselfish attitude, and an ability to transcend everyday polarities during
  36. Expressive behavior differs from coping behavior in that expressive behavior
  37. Maslow’s methods of investigation and approach to studying self-actualizing people
  38. Maslow believed that self-actualizes
  39. According to Abraham H. Maslow, which of the following is a characteristic of self-actualizing people?
  40. According to Abraham H. Maslow, the concept of _____ refers to the type of science that lacks emotion, joy, wonder, awe, and rapture.
  41. According to Maslow, instinctive needs
  42. In Maslow’s terminology, D-love is _____ love.
  43. According to Abraham H. Maslow, which of the following statements is true of expressive behavior?
  44. The term _____ refers to a new field of psychology that combines an emphasis on hope, optimism, and well-being with scientific research and assessment.
  45. Maslow believed that self-actualizes are relatively unaware of superficial differences among people of different ages, genders, or social classes. This lack of awareness reflects their
  46. In his concept of humanity, Maslow insisted that people
  47. Maslow believed that all behavior
  48. If deprivation of a need leads to pathology, then Maslow would say that this need is
  49. Instinctoid needs differ from noninstinctoid needs in that instinctive needs
  50. According to Maslow, meta-motivation is

Set 2

  1. Erikson claimed that a child who learns to do a job well during school age will develop a sense of
  2. In his concept of humanity, Erikson
  3. Erikson, in completing the psychohistory of Gandhi, concluded that
  4. A person’s capacity to unify experiences and actions in an adaptive manner defines Erikson’s
  5. The psychosocial crisis of young adulthood, according to Erikson, is
  6. According to Erikson, true intimacy can only be achieved
  7. Freud’s phallic stage of psychosexual development parallels Erikson’s ____________ stage.
  8. Erikson believed that some degree of role repudiation is necessary for
  9. According to Erikson, the development of conscience begins during
  10. Inadequate will, according to Erikson, is expressed as
  11. Erikson’s genital‐locomotor psychosexual mode accompanies the ______ stage.
  12. According to Erikson, the major expansion of the child’s social world beyond family members to include peers and other adults occurs during
  13. According to Erikson, during childhood, the ego
  14. Erikson was rescued from the life of a wandering artist by
  15. Erikson believed that the ego is
  16. Erikson’s belief that the ego develops in a sequence, with each stage emerging from and being built upon a previous stage, illustrates the concept of
  17. For Erikson, infancy is a time of
  18. For Erikson, puberty is psychologically important because it
  19. The core pathology of adolescence, according to Erikson, is
  20. Self‐control and interpersonal control are the tasks of the _______ stage of psychosocial development, according to Erikson.
  21. According to Erikson, the core pathology of infancy is
  22. Erikson’s core pathology of old age is
  23. Rejection of family or community standards, inability to establish intimacy and inability to concentrate on required tasks are symptomatic of what Erikson called
  24. Erikson’s theory rates high on ______, and moderate to low on ______.
  25. In contrast to Freud, Erikson
  26. Maslow believed that self‐actualizes
  27. Maslow found that self‐actualization needs become potent when
  28. In general, studies using the POI and the Short Index of the POI have found that self-actualizing people usually
  29. As a child, Maslow
  30. According to Maslow, most people who seek therapy probably have the most trouble satisfying their _______ needs.
  31. Maslow hypothesized that
  32. If Maslow is one of the fathers of the third force in psychology, then the first two forces are
  33. For Maslow, the peak experience
  34. Maslow claimed that love and belongingness needs are strongest in people who have
  35. Several studies have found that when people were instructed to “fake good” or “make a favorable impression” when filling out the Personal Orientation Inventory they scored
  36. Martyrs who sacrifice physical needs and personal safety for their beliefs, and heroes who risk their lives to save others illustrate Maslow’s notion of
  37. According to Maslow, self‐actualizing people are characterized by
  38. The term ______ refers to the rejection of traditional psychology that has resulted in a model of humanity lacking the potential to move beyond pathology.
  39. Maslow suggested that self‐actualizes and some neurotic and psychotic individuals may have which of the following characteristics in common?
  40. Maslow believed that esteem and self‐actualization needs
  41. According to Maslow, people who do not embrace the B values suffer from
  42. According to Maslow, a person surrounded by beauty and order would ordinarily satisfy
  43. Instinctoid needs, Maslow said,
  44. Maslow classified behavior that is always motivated and that serves the purpose of satisfying a need as ______ behavior.
  45. Maslow believed that beta pathology results from
  46. According to Maslow, neurotic needs
  47. If deprivation of a need leads to pathology, then Maslow would say that this need is
  48. In Maslow’s terminology, D‐love is _____ love.
  49. In Maslow’s theory of needs, people become neurotic
  50. Maslow believed that time and space disorientation, a decrease in self and ego‐ consciousness, and the transcendence of everyday polarities frequently occur during

Set 3

  1. Erikson’s school-age stage of psychosocial development parallels which of Freud’s stages of psychosexual development?
  2. Erikson’s final psychosexual stage is
  3. According to Erikson, self‐centeredness, provincialism, and pseudospeciation are all manifestations of
  4. The antithesis of Erikson’s generativity is
  5. Erikson suggested that the basic strength of the play age is
  6. The resolution of the crisis of early childhood results in Erikson’s basic strength of
  7. The discipline that combines psychoanalytic concepts with historical method is
  8. Erikson believed that a sense of readiness for danger and anticipation of discomfort are adaptive aspects of
  9. According to Erikson, what is necessary for proper adaptation?
  10. Erikson’s theory rates high on ______, and moderate to low on
  11. In contrast to Freud, Erikson
  12. “A widening commitment to take care of the persons, the products, and the ideas one has learned to care for” is what Erikson called
  13. Inadequate will, according to Erikson, is expressed as
  14. A willingness and readiness to be a part of society and to transmit cultural values to the next generation best describes Erikson’s notion of
  15. For Erikson, infancy is a time of
  16. According to Erikson, during adolescence, a person is permitted to experiment with a variety of roles, values, and goals without making a lasting commitment. This reflects what aspect of adolescence?
  17. Erikson believed that ego identity is shaped
  18. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the ego, according to Erikson?
  19. Freud’s phallic stage of psychosexual development parallels Erikson’s ____________ stage
  20. Erikson believed that some degree of role repudiation is necessary for
  21. The anal‐urethral‐muscular mode of psychosexual adjustment characterizes Erikson’s ______ stage.
  22. Erikson defines identity both positively and negatively. Therefore, adolescents
  23. Erikson’s theory may be called “post‐Freudian” because
  24. A person’s capacity to unify experiences and actions in an adaptive manner defines Erikson’s
  25. Erikson claimed that creativity encompasses
  26. According to Maslow, a woman whose physiological needs are inadequately satisfied will be motivated to
  27. According to Maslow, the 14 B‐values
  28. As a college student, Maslow experienced which fortuitous event that changed his life?
  29. According to Maslow, when people’s esteem needs are relatively well satisfied, they will
  30. For Maslow, the peak experience
  31. According to Maslow, a person surrounded by beauty and order would ordinarily satisfy
  32. For Maslow, coping behavior is usually
  33. Maslow suggested that people tend to avoid growth and self‐fulfillment due to
  34. Martyrs who sacrifice physical needs and personal safety for their beliefs, and heroes who risk their lives to save others illustrate Maslow’s notion of
  35. The needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are ______ needs.
  36. Each ascending step in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs represents
  37. For Maslow, B‐love is
  38. According to Maslow, the humor of self‐actualizes is
  39. Maslow contended that scientists should ______ science.
  40. Which of the following was NOT used by Maslow as a criterion for self‐actualization?
  41. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs concept,
  42. The destruction wrought by World War II moved Maslow to devote his life to the study of the
  43. According to Maslow, self‐actualizing people are
  44. Maslow’s methods of investigation and approach to studying self‐actualizing people
  45. Maslow claimed that safety needs differ from physiological needs in that they
  46. According to Maslow, an individual’s inability to satisfy safety needs results in
  47. Maslow found that self‐actualization needs become potent when
  48. Research linking age with levels of psychological health suggest
  49. Maslow believed that esteem and self‐actualization needs
  50. Maslow believed that the impulse toward growth and self‐actualization.

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