Get Guided Liberty WRSP 410 Final Exam Answers

Get Guided Liberty WRSP 410 Final Exam Answers



  1. According to Noland, King David regarded obedience as the highest form of worship.
  2. A dynamic commitment to evangelism is equated with successful worship.
  3. Paul states in Romans 12:1 that we are to worship God by sacrificing our own living bodies.
  4. According to Timothy Keller, “A counterfeit god is anything so central and essential to your life that, should you lose it, your life would feel hardly worth living.”
  5. According to Noland, idolatry is often the reason we do other things that are wrong.
  6. According to Noland, a popular method for prayer centers around the acronym ACTS, which stands for
  7. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are to be read for information about Jesus and His teaching, not with an eye towards worship.
  8. One of the seven hindrances to corporate worship is isolationism. Isolationism is birthed and sustained by
  9. The Greek word “proskuneo” is translated in the New Testament as
  10. According to Whaley’s book, The Dynamics of Corporate Worship, worship in the New Testament included preaching, scripture reading, house meetings, confessions, fellowship, prayer, breaking of bread, singing, and communion.
  11. The Greek word that is translated as “transform” in Romans 12:2 is
  12. In Acts 13:22, God said, “I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my __________ who will do all my
  13. W. Tozer contends that “idolatry is simply worship directed in any direction but God’s, which is the epitome of blasphemy.”
  14. Romans 12:2 states we are to be transformed by renewing our minds. This process is
  15. II Corinthians 3:18 states that a believer’s transformation comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
  16. Every time we worship, publicly or privately, we are afforded an opportunity to renounce our idols and affirm allegiance to God.
  17. According to Whaley’s book, The Dynamics of Corporate Worship, Psalm 96 has three mandates for worship.
  18. In Psalm 96, the third mandate for worship is
  19. In Nehemiah 8:2-12, when Ezra opened the book to read, the people “bowed down and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.”
  20. According to Whaley, worship is all about preaching, and feeding on the truth of God.
  21. In determining God’s will for one’s life, individuals should consider their
  22. True worshipers experience more than great music during worship; they also experience stirred emotions.
  23. You cannot find excellent corporate worship until you stop trying to find excellent corporate worship and pursue God Himself.
  24. Ascriptive worship is defined as worship that is obsessed with God’s intrinsic worth and ascribes to God alone the glory and honor due Him.
  25. Ascriptive worship recognizes that we are made in God’s image and are in a class by ourselves when compared to all of creation.
  26. Ascriptive worship focuses on God’s attributes and our need for His daily provision.
  27. Heavenly worship overflows with
  28. Focusing on the attributes of God leaves a lasting impression of God’s presence and prevents worship from every becoming boring or irrelevant.
  29. has done more to polarize the generations than bring them together.
  30. According to Rory Noland, physical expressions of worship include standing, kneeling, bowing, raising hands, and clapping.
  31. Psalm 66:8 points out that worship must be audible.
  32. Colossians 3:16 suggests true worship will result in teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
  33. Colossians 3:16 suggests our songs should be filled with gratitude in our hearts to God.
  34. Colossians 3:16 suggests singing has an educational (teaching) effect on the church body.
  35. Ephesians 5:17-20 suggest Spirit filling as a prerequisite to corporate singing in the church body.
  36. Ephesians 5:19 commands one to “make ________________ in your _____________ to the Lord.”
  37. A comparison of Colossians 3:16-17 and Ephesians 5:17-20 suggests being filled with the Word of God and being filled with the Holy Spirit do not bring the same result.
  38. Romans 12:6 states we all have different ministering gifts “according to the talent given us.”
  39. There are seven ministering gifts outlined in Romans 12:6-8. Of these gifts, the most important two are
  40. In order to discern my spiritual gift, I must
  41. Acts chapter 16:25-34 provides a six-step process of worship that leads to evangelism.
  42. The first step to worship that leads to evangelism exhibited in Acts 16:25-34 is
  43. The second step to worship that leads to evangelism exhibited in Acts 16:25-34 is
  44. The fifth step to worship that leads to evangelism exhibited in Acts 16:25-34 is
  45. The sixth step to worship that leads to evangelism exhibited in Acts 16:25-34 is “the Holy Spirit produced the fruit.”
  46. Psalm 96:7-9 outlines three responsibilities of giving to God. The first responsibility is
  47. Psalm 96:7-9 outlines three responsibilities of giving to God. The second responsibility is giving God love and faithfulness.
  48. Psalm 96:7-9 outlines three responsibilities of giving to God. The third responsibility is
  49. According to Worship as it is in Heaven when we worship in times of adversity our faith increases.
  50. Transformation by the renewing of one’s mind often takes place when we worship in times of adversity.

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