Purchase Solved Liberty University CJUS 610 Quiz 4 

Purchase Solved Liberty University CJUS 610 Quiz 4

Set 1

  1. In the SARA Problem Solving Model, _____ involves an intensive probe into all of the characteristics and factors contributing to a problem.
  2. With _____, the reactive posture of the police encourages a rapid response, report writing, and a return to patrol duty as quickly as possible.
  3. A community _____ involves two or more crime or disorder incidents of a similar nature within a community.
  4. Ethical decision-making techniques can assist with the development of an ethical solution. One of these techniques, namely, _____, includes a projection of the potential and probable consequences of any
  5. Behavoralistic motivation theorists:
  6. According to Abraham Maslow, _____ needs include stability, safety, good health, and the absence of threats or pain.
  7. Through extrinsic motivation, a person engages in an activity because of the behavior:
  8. _____ is (are) used in qualitative analysis.
  9. According to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a person’s _____ needs are satisfied if the person’s desires for personal growth, self-fulfillment, and full potential are realized.
  10. Context refers to:
  11. is (are) derived from a natural human propensity to explore and learn new ideas and to explore one’s own capabilities because of the inherent satisfaction an activity provides.
  12. In Clay Alderfer’s ERG Theory, relatedness needs are similar to Maslow’s
  13. Problem-oriented policing:
  14. Motivation skills are necessary to:
  15. What are the barriers to effective problem-solving?
  16. How do individual differences affect motivation?

Other sets

  1. In Clay Alderfer’s ERG Theory, relatedness needs are similar to Maslow’s.
  2. Problem-oriented policing:
  3. Select the correct statement.
  4. Ethical decision-making and problem-solving skills:
  5. Behavoralistic motivation theorists:
  6. Motivation skills are necessary to:
  7. With, the reactive posture of the police encourages a rapid response, report writing, and a return to patrol duty as quickly as possible.
  8. Critical thinking:
  9. Humanistic motivation theorists focus on:
  10. A community involves two ore more crime or disorder incidents of a similar nature within a community.
  11. Through extrinsic motivation, a person engages in an activity because of the behavior:
  12. In the SARA Problem Solving Model, involves an intensive probe into all of the characteristics and factors contributing to a problem.
  13. According to Abraham Maslow, needs include stability, safety, good health, and the absence of threats or pain.
  14. Examples of objective measurements used with analysis include statistical and investigative reports, surveys, and inspections.
  15. utilize(s) a comprehensive planning process to move a situation from an unsatisfactory to a desirable condition.
  16. How do individual differences affect motivation?
  17. What are the barriers to effective problem-solving?

Set 2

  1. is (are) derived from a natural human propensity to explore and learn new ideas and to explore one’s own capabilities because of the inherent satisfaction an activity provides.
  2. Select the correct statement.
  3. With _____, the reactive posture of the police encourages a rapid response, report writing, and a return to patrol duty as quickly as possible.
  4. utilize(s) a comprehensive planning process to move a situation from an unsatisfactory to a desirable condition.
  5. In the SARA Problem Solving Model, _____ involves an intensive probe into all of the characteristics and factors contributing to a problem.
  6. Problem-oriented policing:
  7. is (are) used in qualitative analysis.
  8. Humanistic motivation theorists focus on:
  9. Critical thinking:
  10. Ethical decision-making techniques can assist with the development of an ethical solution. One of these techniques, namely, _____, includes a projection of the potential and probable consequences of any decision.
  11. A community _____ involves two or more crime or disorder incidents of a similar nature within a community.
  12. Examples of objective measurements used with _____ analysis include statistical and investigative reports, surveys, and inspections.
  13. Through extrinsic motivation, a person engages in an activity because of the behavior:
  14. According to Abraham Maslow, _____ needs include stability, safety, good health, and the absence of threats or pain.
  15. According to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a person’s _____ needs are satisfied if the person’s desires for personal growth, self-fulfillment, and full potential are realized.
  16. How would one apply problem-solving techniques when working with a group of people?
  17. Discuss the role of evaluation in the planning process.
  18. How do individual differences affect motivation?
  19. A police officer is addressing a community group at a public meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to identify and create solutions to community crime and disorder problems. The officer asks for input but the community members sit in silence. How can the officer motivate the citizens to participate? Outline and describe the elements of the planning process.
  20. What are the barriers to effective problem-solving?

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